Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Queen of Sheba - SHE FROM ANCIENT INDIA ?

 WAS SHE FROM ANCIENT INDIA ? The Queen of Sheba !

1. She is an enigmatic figure found in all three of the Abrahamic faiths, i.e. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In addition to her presence in these three religions, the Queen of Sheba plays an important role in the history and identity of the Ethiopian people. As usual, anything from EAST, the queen's existence is disputed.
2. Described in the Bible as simply a Queen of the EAST, modern scholars believe she came from the Kingdom of Axum in Ethiopia, the Kingdom of Saba in Yemen, or both. Their main clue is that she brought bales of incense with her as a gift; frankincense only grows in these two areas.
3. There were queens elsewhere in ancient Arabia, according to Assyrian documents, but apart from the Biblical story and related traditions, no evidence has appeared of a queen in southern Arabia.
4. About a thousand years before the birth of Christ there was a legendary encounter between two wealthy rulers, one that has been immortalized in three world religions and one that people still talk about today. This encounter is recorded in the Bible and in the Koran, and it has been the subject of films. She came from southern Arabia, an ancient kingdom in present-day Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula, directly on the Gulf of Aden. She ruled the kingdom of Saba (or Sheba).
5. Her kingdom was situated at a strategic point between INDIA, Africa, and the Mediterranean states. She came with a large retinue and tons of gold—120 talents of gold—SPICES, precious STONES, and a special kind of wood.

Origin of Mayans and Aztecs - Ancient India !

 AS I have been saying, Ancient Incredible India (Bharat Sanatan IVC / Sarasvati Tamil) was ORIGIN of all Civilizations worldwide (Case of Mayan and Aztecs) :


Charles Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg (1814 – 1874) was a Flemish abbot of the 19th century. In addition to his clerical profession, the French abbot is universally known for his significant contributions to the knowledge of Mesoamerican peoples. In fact, Charles Étienne Brasseur was also a famous writer, ethnographer and archaeologist specializing in the study of Mayan and Aztec civilizations.

2. According to the scholar, the Mayans remembered their homeland as a “continent located in the Pacific”, which later sunk. They called this continent "Land of Mu". 

3. Until a few years ago, this was thought to be a legend. But the advent of the satellites proved that it was all true. In fact, the current Indonesia and Australia are the ‘remnants’ of a much larger continent, which scientists call Sundaland. This continent located in the waters of the Pacific Ocean was partially submerged starting 14,000 years ago, when the Pacific Ocean rose about 140 meters.

4. The Sundaland hotspot is located in South-East India (south of West Bengal, Bangladesh).

5. Even in this case, if we only wanted to pay attention to science, and not to our prejudices, the Maya would be absolutely right. Their ancestors were originally from Sundaland. How do we know for sure? 

6. According to Kenneth M. Olsen, PhD, a biologist specializing in plant evolution at Washington University in St. Louis, we have irrefutable evidence that navigators from the Sundaland and Sahuland areas made it as far as Panama, Central America, in the pre-Columbian era.

7. The ‘living proof’ is the presence of coconut in America. This researcher found that all coconut plants, anywhere in the world, originated either from India or from what was once Sundaland. Furthermore, the professor explains that, at least for long distances, the coconut plant does not migrate naturally, like seeds of other plants do. In his case it has to be taken by human being to other far away areas, to be able to attract there as well. If the coconut plant arrived in Central America in the pre-Columbian era, it means that sailors from the Sundaland area arrived in America before Columbus and planted it.


Submerged ANCIENT CITY OF DWARKA - Mystery Solved !

 Incredible Ancient India (Bharat Sanatan) - Mystery solved about submerged ANCIENT CITY OF DWARKA, Gujarat on May 10, 2807 B. C. (around 5000 years back) : WONDERING WHY IT WAS NOT public SO FAR ?

1. Bruce Masse, an environmental archaeologist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. He thinks he can say precisely when the comet fell: on the morning of May 10, 2807 B.C. The researchers suggested that the monster tsunami may have been triggered by a comet or an asteroid striking the Indian Ocean. The cosmic impact may have created Burckle Crater, a pit about 18 miles (29 km) wide, located about 900 miles (1,450 km) southeast of Madagascar, about 12,500 feet (3,800 m) below the ocean's surface, they said.
2. As per Dallas H Abbott, Earth Observatory of Columbia University, comet impact that created Burckle crater would have had major direct and indirect effects on contemporary human populations. Aspects of these effects can be modeled, although the impact and its aftermath are well represented in mythology and the archaeological record.
3. The ancient city of Dwarka, traditionally called Dwarika, is a place of immense significance in Hindu mythology and history. It has also long captured the imagination of historians, archaeologists, and devotees alike. Reason being, the ancient city of Dwarka, which was created by the Hindu deity Krishna, was believed to have submerged under the Arabian Sea post Krishna’s demise.
4. All opulence aside, it is also believed that the city of Dwarka got submerged right after Krishna left his earthly abode. His departure from the world marked the end of Dvapara Yug, and the beginning of Kali Yug or the Kalyug (the Age of Kali). With the starting of Kalyug, the city of Dwarka also submerged, taking all residents with it.
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